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Copyright für alle Inhalte und Darstellungen Kristina Kanders, Köln, Deutschland.

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This site is owned and operated by Kristina Kanders. The contents of this site are protected by German copyright and trademark laws, international conventions and other applicable laws. All materials contained in this site are the copyrighted property of Kristina Kanders. Any sale, licensing, rental, modification, distribution, copying, reproduction, transmission, public display, public performance, publishing, adaption, edit or creation of derivative works from materials or content available on this website is prohibited unless expressly authorized in writing by Kristina Kanders.

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Any third-party links, services, resources or information provided on or made available through Kristina Kanders' website are not controlled by her. Accordingly, she does not endorse any such linked sites or the information, material, products or services contained on other linked sites, or accessible through them. Further, Kristina Kanders makes no warranties regarding such third-party links, services, resources or information, including without limitation, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or non-infringement and will not be liable for your use of our reliance on such third-party services, resources or information. Access and   use of linked sites, including information, material, products and services on linked sites or available through them, is solely your own risk. Kristina Kanders specifically disclaims any and all liability from damages, which may result from the accessing of a third-party site, which is linked to Kristina Kanders’ website, or from reliance upon only such information.

© Kristina Kanders 2024, all rights reserved

Kristina Kanders art